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In everything give thanks

What are you thankful for in this season? Have you allowed your circumstances to overwhelm your heart of gratitude? Can you be thankful no matter your circumstances? 

Let's explore this topic together in today's devotional:

In everything give thanks

“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:18 

I don’t know about you, but as the year draws to a close and I reflect on God’s goodness, all He has done on my behalf, who He is, all that He means to me, and where He has brought me from, I have a lot for which to be thankful. I am thankful for life, His grace and mercy that have kept me throughout the past year. In spite of all that is going on in the world–the viruses, terrorism, and sickness, He has protected me from premature death and preserved me in His perfect will. Moreover, I am thankful for my wife and children, staff, friends, clients and finally, the fact that Jesus is Lord. 

We are to always be thankful to our Lord no matter what our circumstances are, because He gave us the greatest gift; the gift of salvation–a gift that never wears out. We ought to be thankful everyday, every hour, and every minute because without that gift, we could not experience abundant life on earth and would be condemned to eternal punishment. Moreover, we ought to be thankful for our clients and employees (for without them, we would not be in business), our family and friends, (for the joy and support they bring into our lives), and those individuals we have no relationship with but God uses to be a special blessing to us. We ought to be thankful for our country. If you are in America, despite the unfaithfulness of our political leaders, we have peace. We are still a free nation and God is not through with us yet. 

What are you thankful for? You may be as thankful as I am, or you may not feel as thankful because of the way your business is going, the way this year has been for you, or the issues that you are currently facing. Remember, the scriptures instruct us to be thankful in all things for such is the will of God concerning us. This means whatever you are going through, even though God may not have caused it, He allowed it nonetheless for a purpose. The key is to seek God for that purpose and trust Him to work it together for your good as He promises to do Romans 8:28. 

Thankfulness is a condition of the heart, which manifests itself in appreciation towards others. We are usually thankful when someone does something kind for us. But once that moment passes, we forget their kindness. The reason we forget is because our thoughts of gratitude are conditional and our emotions fluctuate based on our circumstances. Whenever I receive a gift from someone, it creates in me an immediate level of gratitude in my heart towards God for using that person. As a result, I’m moved to demonstrate my gratefulness in words and in deeds. The question is, how long does this feeling of gratitude last? 

Many people have a hard time being thankful in times of need, but those are the times in which we should be most thankful. What need do you have? What circumstances are you facing in your business that you need God’s supernatural intervention in? Just begin to thank Him for who He is, what He has done, His promises, and what He will do. As you thank Him, have total confidence that He knows your need, and at the appropriate time, He will bring it to pass if you do not give up. Thankfulness moves God’s heart to intervene on our behalf. It is an act of appreciation for who He is and not just what He does for us. It is recognition that God is good all the time and all the time God is good. 

My prayer for you today is that God will grant you the gift of gratitude so that you may be thankful in all things for such is the will of God concerning you.

Reflection: Thankfulness is the condition of the heart? Are you thankful? 

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Posted on Thursday, 07 April 2022

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