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Do you ever wonder why people are not more kind? How is your external kindness towards others a manifestation of your internal happiness? What are the seven acts of kindness you should practice daily?

Let's explore this topic together in today's devotional:


“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.” - Ephesians 4:32

You may have heard the expression “God don’t like ugly” when someone does something unkind. It is often said to indicate that bad things will happen to the evildoer as a result of their act (in other words, “What goes around, comes around.”) It is true that God does not “like ugly” behaviors and actions, especially when they are against one of His creations. It is God’s will for us to be kind to one another.

Kindness, one of the characteristics of the Fruit of the Spirit, does not cost much to give but is sometimes hard to come by. Despite its low-cost, high-return benefits, people do not take advantage of it as they should. But taking advantage of kindness is especially important for the Biblical Entrepreneur. Kindness is not just a sign that you are Spirit-led, but it can be very good for business. Kindness makes people want to do business with you. It is great for customer service as it yields repeat customers, makes you likable and trustworthy. And best of all it costs you nothing.

Now you may be wondering if kindness is so inexpensive and can yieldhigh returns, why aren’t more people kind? Kindness is a genuine expression of favor and generosity towards others based on an internal sense of happiness. The key to kindness is that it must be genuine. You cannot manufacture it. In other words, it must be sincere or honest. Kindness springs out of who you are as an external expression of an internal reality. Therefore, to be truly kind you must be internally happy or blessed. You cannot give externally what you do not possess internally.

The sad reality is that people are not kind because they are not happy. Happy people are kind people. Unhappy people are unkind people. Kindness must be an overflow of how blessed you feel, otherwise it will be fake or short-lived. How do you cultivate kindness?

  • Love God
  • Accept God’s love for you
  • Love yourself
  • Show your love for others by exercising random acts of kindness

Kindness is something that must be demonstrated daily; otherwise, it will not become a part of your life. Consider practicing these seven random acts of kindness, and I guarantee you will not just notice a difference in how you feel but in how you are treated by others.

  • Smile
  • Affirm and encourage
  • Help
  • Serve
  • Give
  • Say “thank you”
  • Forgive

Of course, you cannot manufacture these things. If you try, they will be short-lived or appear fake. They must spring out of your love for God, your acceptance of how much God loves you, your love for yourself, and your sincere desire to share that love with others. Remember, “Love suffers long and is kind” (1 Corinthians 13:4).

My prayer for you this week is that God will give you the grace to know how blessed you are and enable you to enthusiastically share that with others through the seven random acts of kindness.

 Reflection: What are the 7 random acts of kindness you can demonstrate?

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Copyright © Patrice Tsague NPIM
Posted on Monday, 26 September 2022

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