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The Sons of Issachar

How well do you know the times? Are you able to discern the current political, social and economic times? Do you know how to navigate your business despite the climate around you? Do you have a sense of what God is doing in your country and in the world?

Let's explore this topic together in today's devotional:

The Sons of Issachar

“Of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their command.” – 1 Chronicles 12:32 (NKJV)

Market timing is one of the key ingredients to business success. General market timing is a type of investment or trading strategy. It suggests that you can move in and out of financial markets or switch between asset classes based on predictive methods. Though market timing as an investment technique is not advisable and even difficult to do successfully over a long period, market timing is an entrepreneurship principle that is critical to business success. It is the ability to determine the right time to start a business, invest in a particular business, launch a new product or expand your business. Miss the timing and the window of opportunity could close or you can be too early which can cause you to lose a lot of money and even face business failure. This idea can even be expanded to life in general. The ability to discern what God is doing on earth, in your country and your community at any given time can help you to make the right decisions and take full advantage of the times.

This was the case for the sons of Issachar. The Bible suggests that during a time when Israel faced a crisis of leadership; the current king, Saul, was losing his grip on power and standing in the wings was a new perspective king, David, who was slowly picking up political momentum. The prophet had anointed him to be the next king but no one knew when it would take place. When the time came, the sons of Issachar not only knew it was time but invested themselves fully in David’s camp and were able to be a part of the new incoming king’s team.

What made the sons of Issachar so unique? What can we learn from them as we seek to discern the times and seasons for our business or our lives?

  1. They were prepared - They were organized and had a clear leadership structure that at the appropriate time, they could provide direction for everyone to follow.
  2. They were in tune with God - They stayed tuned to the will of God. They knew that God had anointed David as the next king and understood the spiritual relevance of the moment.
  3. They kept up with the events of their day - They knew that David  as accomplishing victories after victories and that Saul and even the enemies of Israel were no match for him.
  4. They had courage - They had the courage of their convictions. They did not wait for everyone to join in but were willing to go at it alone. 
  5. They did not just talk but acted - They joined David in battle to help secure the crown for him.

How well can you discern your current market conditions? Do you understand the economic, political, and social factors affecting your industry? Are you up-to-date with your competitors and the things affecting your industry? Do you know how it fits with God’s plan for your life and business? Do you have the courage to act on what you see even though others may not be pursuing it? Are you ok with going at it alone? Remember, timing is everything. If you are too early you can lose money but if you are too late you could miss the window of opportunity.

My prayer for you today is that God will give you the wisdom to discern the time and know what you ought to do at this time.

Reflection: How good is your timing? Is it a good moment to ask God for wisdom and discernment?

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Posted on Monday, 06 April 2020

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