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The Word Works at Work

πŸ‘¨‍πŸ’Ό This devotional special feature is from Anthony E. Moore's 40-day devotional series, One Moore Minute. If you've enjoyed this special, you can continue the entire series by purchasing his book. πŸ“–

The Word Works at Work
”When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, 'Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.'”
Luke 5:4

⛡️This passage starts after a long night of work with little to show for it. Peter and his friends are on the shore with empty boats. Jesus asks to use Peter's boat, his place of business, to teach the people the Word of God. Peter could have said, "Sorry Preacher, this is my money-maker. It's not meant for spiritual education. This is a vehicle for business." Some of us like to keep our spiritual life and our money-making life separate. We prefer to compartmentalize, telling ourselves, "This is secular, and this is spiritual." Listen, everything is spiritual! God wants to be in every area of your life! Some of us never experience the supernatural move of God because we won't let Jesus speak into our place of business. Too many of us believe when God asks for our money-maker,πŸ’° he is trying to take something from us. If this is you. you must not know who God is. When God asks you to give or to let Him into the middle of your business, it's because God is setting you up to give back to you. "When you give, God gives back to you; a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over" (Luke 6:38). πŸ™

πŸ™Œ So how do you partner with Jesus in the center of your workplace? The first thing Jesus says is, "Push out a little from the shore, so I can teach the people from the boat." In other words, He says, "Be willing to use your muscle--your own effort to advance the Kingdom, even at your workplace." Notice, Jesus doesn't push off or cast the nets Himself. He won't do what you can do for yourself. Now, once you're off the shore, He doesn't stop there. Jesus says, "Go deeper. I have a whole lot for you, but I can't give it to you in shallow water." It's time to go deeper spiritually! Many of us are operating in waters which limit our ability to experience the great things of God. The fish are swimming in deep water--this is where we are called to go.🐠 🐟

Then Jesus gives Peter specific, strategic instruction which is counter to Peter's intuition, "Let down your nets again." At this point, Peter starts talking back to Jesus, "Jesus, this is my workplace. I'm the expert fisherman. You are a preacher. I have already been out here. I know the best time to fish." Like Peter, most of us think Jesus is just knowledgable for church and not for work or college, or any other place for that matter. Yet He existed before the world began! Finally, Peter gives in and says, "Ok Jesus, just because you said it, I will do it." In other words, Peter says, "I'm going to use your 'Word' at my workplace!" And look at what happens.πŸ—£

Overflow! Abundance! More fish than Peter knew what to do with! More than he could even share with his friends! They were awestruck. But before that, he has to let Jesus get in the middle of how he made his money and let the Word work at work!πŸ™Œ πŸ™

Reflective Minute β³
Take a minute and think about how you can invite God into your workplace. How can you use your efforts to advance His Kingdom? In what ways can you surrender to His wisdom?

Meditative Minute πŸ™Œ
Psalm 32:8 
If we listen, He will guide.

Prayer Minute πŸ™
Jesus, I invite You into my workplace and acknowledge that You have wisdom for me to use there. Give me the courage to follow your Word over my own understanding. May miracles happen at my workplace as I go deeper in You. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

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Posted on Sunday, 24 February 2019

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